Sunday, December 31, 2017

Loving Vincent

Starry Night (1889)

This blog is surely a very slow and rarely updated place, a dweller of words not frequently expressed.

I recently saw the feature film Loving Vincent on a local theatre. It is a captivating story, told from several points of views, about the man Vincent Van Gogh. He became knows as a pioneer of impressionism after his life ended, but who during his lifetime did not get to experience some of the acclaim and sucess that his corpus now renders.

Loving Vincent is a piece of european cinema which I believe shows some of the best aspects of our cultural traditions. This polish-english collaboration enlisted numerous painters to render its unique visual storytelling. They painted 65 000 frames of oil paintings!

What better way to end 2017 extending a piece of art which I believe has the power to make us better men and women.

Sola Gratia my dear friends

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