People who receive this award are encouraged to write down seven of their favorite things to go with this. Of course I will do this too. So, in no particular order whatsoever,
This is seven of my favorite things:
1. The feel of wind in my face. This is one of the reason why I love windy days. I close my eyes and experience the sensation of it. It amazes me and it is a very cool way to experience nature. I am still a bit concerned how people would view me if I would do this in public, which means that I often do this when people are not looking.
2. Any detail out of the ordinary both in the city and on the countryside. I like to capture these with my camera in all kinds of different angles. I am looking for those special little things that pop out. Things that lend itself to be part of my compositions.
3. Trees. I have developed a deep fondness for the birch. All the birches that flourishes in Sweden all have unique looks and forms that I too love to photo. Nowadays I cannot look on a tree the same way as I used to do.
4. New music. And when I say new, I mean new to me. It can be anything from Soul and Disco to Techno and Electronica. When I find out something new that's 'it' , it is very much like falling in love. Writing and occasionally performing music, well, that should deserve another place, but these are related.
5. The Tarot. 78 cards with a very interesting history or spiritual and religious nature. I like to go deep and have found something much more then a tool for telling the future. In fact, that is its least spectacular feature to my mind and something I am not very interested in.
6. Those special people who spread happiness to people around them. They really deserve to be mentioned here. People who make us feel connected to one another. Who care. Who do the little things without asking for anything in return. May your gifts find it's way back to your heart eventually.
7. Warm summer rain. In a similar vein to what I mentioned first, the last is about experiencing nature in a direct way. Just go out and just soak it in. You don't have to be naked or use your special clothes. But I have to warn you: there are chances that you going to get wet by doing this, but that is also the case if you take a shower.
Thanks again Sarah for sharing this with me. I also want to take the opportunity to give this award to momo jord. (rough translation: grandma earth) A swedish blog written by a very inspirational woman which I found out not so long ago.
Oh - what a wonderful list!! Love it!! I adore birches - am working on drawing a few.. love summer rain - well any rain! You are very welcome - it is well deserved!!
Namaste, Sarah
Great Site, can't wait to see more!
Congrats to you dear...you definitely deserve this one! Great lists indeed! Lovely week to you~
Thank you & welcome Soror FSO and Lenoere Nevermore. A lovely week to you all.
Thank you so much for doing that.
Renee xoxo
I see you won one of Sarah's pieces. She is amazing.
The ladybug - yes... I have a house full of bug hunting preschoolers every day. LOL they give me lots of chances for great buggy pics.! Hope your week is going well. Namaste, Sarah
*bugar djupast*
I will make a public announcement whenever the inspiration finds me. Keep on shining!
Jag fastnade visst på det där med sju favoritsaker och tar det alldeles för pretto och lyckas inte få ihop något alls. Så kreativ är jag :P
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