Taken today, the sixth of April next to Klarälven and the Karlstad Theatre. These crocus have now finally spread their wings into beautiful; although still small and fragile, flowers.
Equipment used:
Pentax K100D, using my FA 1:1.4 50 mm lens. I originally bought the lens from greenland resident talent Thomas. This is my most common set-up, since I really love the results that I am able to produce with this lens. Thomas work can be seen at Duplo Photography. I especially recommend people to look at his arctic imagery.
I am also happy to tell any readers out there that I have reviewed the free EP A resonant discovery for Original Sound Version. Today they also published my review of the deeply haunting soundtrack for the game Dead Space. For those who happen to be swedish or speak the language, I also would like to mention that I have been published on Yelah, reviewing the excellent record Guaranteed Niceness by german super-band Sonar Kollektiv Orchester.
The colour works well here
Cyan vs yellow is a striking comparison and your ratio is just about right
Svar: Tack så jättemycket! ;D
oh, tack! Alltid lika kul att få positiv respons :)
Vårig och skön bild du tagit själv :) Själv har jag inte kommit mig för att ta bilder på några blommor ännu.
Thank you all for your kind words.
It's always nice to hear from someone whose work I appreciate that I managed to succeed in my objective. It was a tricky one to pull of, due to the sharp sun.
It is also nice to see three new faces on the blog.
Johanna och millo:
Ni är väldigt skickliga. Ta åt er! Över huvud taget verkar det finnas många skickliga tjejer som utvecklas nu. Det gillar jag! :)
Tack. Jag ska försöka fortsätta att fånga våren när vädret inte är så glåmigt som idag.
Svar: ja ^^ Hittills är jag väldigt nöjd i alla fall, och jag har knäppt x antal bilder vid det här laget, haha.
Svar: tack så mycket, det var roligt att höra att du tycker det :D
First comment here. Love does flowers :)
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