Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Looking Back while Stepping Up

The EP that I've spoken about earlier in the blog just got released @ yesterday.

Label creator Jayson Napolitano has written kindly about it on Original Sound Version. The EP is coloured by how I experienced the world 2006 and 2007. It feels like a milestone to have released this. Each song tells a personal story, that I hope for people to relate their own stories with. Instead of writing more about each individual track I quote liner notes.

"We have a special treat for listeners with this release. We're proud to present Suecae Sounds out of Sweden with this beautiful 3-track EP.

The opening track, "Jag Som Ingenting" is a mystifying vocal track with pumping electronic beats, gorgeous belltone arpeggios, and undeniably addictive vocals. It is truly a pleasure to listen to.

"Inside These Walls," on the other hand, has some of the trappings of traditional techno, providing a melancoly atmosphere. The chorus section really stands out with heavy percussion and bass notes. "Watching While the World Goes By" rounds the EP off with a busy ambiance created by constantly progressing percussion and a contemplative synth line.

We hope you enjoy listening to this EP as much as we have. We look forward to hearing what comes out of Suecae Sounds in the future."

You can download the entire EP or individual tracks at or directly here.

The tracks are as follows:

1. Jag som Ingenting
2. Inside these Walls
3. Watching While the World Goes By

Enjoy the listen.


Momo said...

Efter en evighet av mekkande och lidande (nåja) lyckades jag äntligen trolla ned skivan. Och wow! Vackert jobbat.

Och jag blev lite extra kär i Watching while the world goes by.. Blir sugen på att gå ut och trampa i de Svenska skogarna igen.. :D

Suecae Sounds said...

Vilken otroligt fin komplimang!

Jag skickade ett mail till dig med en alternativ länk. Fast den kanske inte kom fram? Hur som helst har du den nu, och jag är oerhört glad att du tyckte om den.

Sådana fina personer som du gör att jag fortsätter att skriva musik. :)