Thursday, January 24, 2008


Communication is a precious thing. I have been thinking about closing this blog. Maybe start writing in Swedish, or maybe only to write about music. But I can not discipline myself in that way when it comes to writing. It seems that my blog, which in the beginning was intended as a music-only blog, almost from the very beginning transformed into something else. And to be honest, this was probably a good thing.

My Myspace is updated with a few nifty things. I must recommend people to give Oh No Miriam a listen. She is both talented and a very nice person. Some people have that special quality, that they spread positive energy around them. Only communicating via the internet is limited, but in this limited way, I get the feeling that she is one of these kinds of people.

And due to this, one can not help but to wish her and all people like her all the best in life. In my line of work I have come across people who are quite the opposite. They are spreading negativity with their general attitude towards life. Some may have encountered bad things and situations that have thrown them off balance. And even hurt them deep. But nothing gets better by hurting other people because you have been hurt. It results in a kind of vicious cycle.

Mourning and bad experiences are a part of life, I have written about some things that have and are troublesome for myself in this very blog. Not because I have a need of impressing readers. But as a kind of ventilating space. Maybe more people should do that, trying to break down the walls of sorrow. Speaking, communicating, blogging, reaching out. Doing music is precisely this. Communicating something. And not drawing people into ones vicious cycles.

Before I struggled with appreciating my own talent in a positive way. Now, I am getting better at precisely this. I am breaking a nasty habit. That is one of the things that I intend for the year 2008. Which is the year I will release an EP on this net-label. But I hope that this will not be the only thing I will do. Where will my musical journey take me in the future? I do not know, but I am on course and that is a rewarding feeling.

... And with these words I end this post. Until next time we meet, in this blog or elsewhere. :)


Anonymous said...

gud vad snäll du är.
jag minns faktiskt fortfarande när du addade mig på myspace och jag gick in och lyssnade och jag minns att du skrev att du hoppades beröra ett hjärta eller två och jag skrev att ett hjärta hade blivit berört (eftersom det hade det).

Suecae Sounds said...

Ja, det är en av de finaste kommentarerna jag någonsin har fått faktiskt. Det värmde verkligen. Och ta åt dig av allt positivt människor säger. För det förtjänar du. :)