And the media is attacking her for being depressed, a drug-addict and for being together with the wrong kind of boy. I do not quite know where to start, but whenever the tabloids find a "rising star" they hack-and-slash them to death for not being perfect.

Amy Winehouse on the cover of the Rolling Stone mag. One of the good articles I assume.
I cannot help to wonder if only pretty, happy people would write songs that this would make the world a better place to live in? Hell no... Winehouse's lyrics and personality is reflected in her music, so that we all can appriciate the art-form of an always underdog breed: the musician and the singer. Why do I say underdog?. because the industy wants plastic-fantastic instead of realness.
Bottom line: Amy is real fucking people, and she might actually help people who have seen the troubles as she have. And when we relate to instead of consume our music, we grow as people.
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